Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Plague

Warning- You may toss your cookies. Read at your own risk :)

We just can't seem to get healthy around here! We had just finally all gotten over our colds. I had sent Hannah back to school..and Friday night I put her to bed and she was just fine! Then at 10pm she woke up crying and Chad went upstairs to find her covered in puke. That poor baby vomited every 20 minutes for the next 3 1/2 hours. I was very close to taking her to emergency room. She threw up in her bed, in our bed, all the bathrooms in the house...until there was nothing left in her stomach. After midnight, she'd become so exhausted that she'd fall asleep, wake up to puke, then fall right back asleep. I felt so bad for her. Around 2, she was going longer between rounds, and by 2:30 she was asleep for good.
....That's when I started throwing up....I threw up until 5am. When I first started feeling sick, I was sure it probably was from watching my child throw up like 10+ times and having to clean up all that puke. But when I kept throwing up, I figured it had to have been something we both ate that did not agree with us! Chad was fine, so I'm guessing it was a peanut butter/jelly sandwich I made and split between Hannah and myself earlier that afternoon. Chad mentioned he'd seen the jelly out for several hours a few days before. Someone had forgotten to stick it back in the fridge.
So on Saturday morning, Hannah woke up chipper and was completely healed. She wasn't very hungry, but that's only to be expected when you puke your guts out. I, on the other hand, had an uneasy stomach and fever all day. Last night we put the girls to bed early, and headed to bed ourselves around 8:30. I had a fever all night pretty much, but woke up this morning feel MUCH better! So, now I'm up cleaning and taking care of the kids, and Chad is getting some well deserved zzz's. He's been taking care of us all weekend :)
Friday night was THE absolute worst night for me as a parent. Hannah was 9 months old the last time she threw up and, of course, doesn't remember it- so she was totally devastated when she started getting sick.
Anyway, say a little prayer that Sadie stays healthy. I am praying that the plague will leave us alone now!


beachmom757 said...

You will quickly forget about this nite. As parents, we try to block out those awful memories and focus on the good ones, one more benefit to being a parent to little ones!!

mema of 4 said...

I'm so glad you both are feeling better. I wish I could have been there to help clean up Hannahs puke, since it doesn't bother me. Love you!