Tuesday, July 28, 2009

an aFAIR to remember.......i crack myself up!

We headed out to the county fair yesterday, after dinner. What fun!...Hannah had a blast riding all the classic, fantastic carnival rides. The boats that went in circles...the cars that went in circles...the motorcycles that went in circles!!...A cute Ferris Wheel ride with Daddy...and a bumpy roller coaster ride with Mommy. A VERY FUN coaster! She rode and rode ...until Sadie said it was time to go home! We really enjoyed ourselves...and I can see why many locals wait all year long for the fair to come to town. It was the perfect size..not too big and crowded, with just enough crazies to entertain my "people watcher" bone. Chad and I had a good time observing people who we were sure only left their house for 2 reasons....Walmart or the County Fair :) Some people really got dolled up! Of course...Hannah paid no attention to the people..she just wanted to know "What can I ride next??!?!"

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tomato Harvest :)

Presenting.....our first cherry tomatoes!!!

Hannah's been waiting all summer for those little babies to turn red...sure does take forever! We ended up finding 5 tonight ....3 were ripe and 2 almost :) We've also harvested 4 or 5 cucumbers so far, too.
Hannah's been taking a lot of pictures lately with my camera. She'll take 30-40 at a time and max out the memory stick, so I go back and erase most...but keep the cute ones. Here's a couple of pictures she's taken of me around the house...and one goofy pic of Dave.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ready to Ride?

It seems like I have zero down time lately. Even as I type this Sadie is hollering and banging a toy on my leg. I'm guessing she's about ready for a morning nap....but it seems like hollering is just her way of 'talking'. She must think her voice needs to be a few notches higher than Hannah's. Sometimes they try to outdo each other...see who can shout the loudest....or who can drive their Mom to an early grave...however you wanna look at it. Anyway, I just wanted to post this cute picture of Hannah with her first real, big girl bike! Chad believes she's road ready (I, myself am a bit on the fence). But yesterday he did a great job trying to teach her how to steer and peddle...and how to do both at the same time. I think she's more excited about how her streamers blow in the wind than actually riding...but hey, we'll see :) She sure did look cute in her full getup...and so proud of her princess bike!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sadie!

Our Sadie Bug is ONE! This weekend, we celebrated her birthday with family and had a great time! I can't believe it's been a whole year since she was born....I have no idea where it went! I could not ask for a better or sweeter baby. And she is practically running now!....She's started walking so fast that the rest of her body can hardly keep up with her little legs. Now that she's walking...is she actually considered a (gasp) toddler now?? Here are some photos of Sadie's first year :) I can't believe this was us just a year ago...."tired" does not even begin to sum up how exhausted I was in this picture-lol. But we had our Sadie...and she was perfect....and that's all that mattered.

Happy Birthday, Sadie Everett! We love you to the moon and back again!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


We had a very busy and fun filled weekend. Mom came up Thursday night and spent Friday with us. Then we had family over for pizza on Friday night. Saturday, my Aunt hosted her annual 4th of July family picnic. This is a fun tradition that she started last year...luckily, I live in town and don't have to travel very far to attend! Everyone brings a dish and this year we even had a door prize drawing...Sadie won! Hannah had a blast...she competed in a potato sack race, got to ride on a golf cart...and played endlessly with Mikayla. We came back to our house to rest and have some dinner and got to watch a go-cart race in our own court. The people on the corner were having a HUGE shindig and they had kids racing in derby cars down the hill. We had fun cheering them on. After dinner, we headed back over to Joy's for some fireworks..courtesy of Uncle Tommy. Hannah was determined NOT to be afraid of them this year. She covered her ears for most of the show, but still smiled and clapped. We didn't get home until 10pm...and both girls were transferred (sleeping like the dead) from the car to their beds without even lifting an eyelid. What a great weekend!