Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pink and Green

Well, Apple Blossom weekend sneaked up on me. Hopefully, the weather will hold out and we'll have a great weekend. Hannah is so looking forward to the circus on Sunday. We decided to avoid the parade this year- Hannah doesn't like the loud cars and bands, and I don't know how long Sadie would last, either. Instead, Dad and Matt are coming in town to run the 10K race on Saturday morning, then we'll all head out to the park. I've never been, but from what I understand, it's a huge craft/art fair with lots of good food. Sounds like something I would LOVE! Apple Blossom is such a huge event here---schools are even closed tomorrow...and Chad gets off work at noon. The entire town goes into festival/party mode. It's really pretty neat...but a bit annoying if you're like me and hate huge crowds of people, closed streets, and lots of traffic.
Anyway, today Hannah's preschool held their own little parade...all the kids dressed up in costumes or outfits in the official "Apple Blossom colors"--pink and green. My kid is never short on pink stuff, so she just wore an outfit she already had. She looked so darn cute! She was so excited to be marching in a parade. She came out of the church skipping and jumping--I don't even think she's touching the ground in that picture above. lol ...She took her marching and waving very seriously.
And of course I had to post this BFF picture. Ain't they cute?!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


This weekend was wonderful. I took the girls home with me to Virginia Beach for my Dad's (SURPRISE) 50th birthday party. The plan was this: We told Dad that we were going to take him out to a new restaurant to celebrate his birthday...Mom and I agonized over how we were going to to lure him over to the park (where the real party would be). I suggested we just drug him, blindfold him and throw him in the car. It would have been less stressful that way. He's very hard to keep secrets from, and none of us are good liars. So, we made him sit all the way in the back of the van(Erin and Matt were meeting us there) so he couldn't hear us snickering(or see us sweating) the whole way. Dad was on to us as soon and I pulled into a local park, claiming I wanted to let the kids play for a bit before dinner. As we approached the shelter with picnic tables, he said "You guys are setting me up, aren't you?" hehe He was surprised to see his brother and sister, who had traveled from out of state to be there. Also, a childhood friend he hadn't seen in a long time...and a bunch of his local running buddies. He was genuinely shocked and had a great time. He usually does not enjoy being in the spotlight...but when you're turning 50..there's a lot to celebrate! Hannah and Sadie did great this trip...Sadie slept pretty well in the bed with me. And of course Hannah made herself right at home. She adores Mom Mom and Grandpa..and Erin and Matt...and was pretty upset with me yesterday when I had to tear her away from them. I think she's still mad.
We got a chance to walk down to the beach from Erin's place on Saturday...they are so lucky to live on the water. This time, Hannah was absolutely fearless about splashing in the water. Last year, she'd scream "NO BIG WA WA!!" But she had a blast.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ho Hummm

Well, there's not much going on around here lately. I never thought I'd be bloggin about TV, but I guess this is what my life has come to. I'm really into American Idol this season! That guy, Adam, rocks it EVERY night!...hope he wins the whole show! This week, two people get voted off...thinking it might be the two girls.
Let's see...other shows I'm addicted to. LOST....Chad and I have been watching it for years, still don't have a clue what the heck is going on, but absolutely love it. Not to mention, Sawyer is totally hot. I mean, who wouldn't want to be stuck on an island with this guy!?

We also love The Office....probably one of the funniest sitcoms ever. Our HBO shows are Big Love...about a family who lives in polygamy. ...and True Blood.....vampires exist and are even part of society. Can't wait til that one starts back up this summer. Um, I think that about sums it up.
Chad leaves for his big 3-day bike adventure on Thursday evening. He's riding from Cumberland, DC. He's going to be blogging about his
I'm leaving on Thursday with the girls to spend the weekend in VA Beach. If it's warm enough, maybe Sadie will get to dip her toes in the ocean for the first time. I'm curious to see if she screams her head off like Hannah did :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sunny Day...Sweepin the Clouds Away...

We had a wonderful, warm & sunny morning out at the park today. I'm so glad the sun decided to show up and melt my funky mood away! The girls had fun playing with their friends...everyone has been sick over the past couple of this was first time Hannah has gotten to play with Katy in a while. Another good thing about being outdoors all morning: the naps are nice a long :) Sadie was quite adventurous..she followed Hannah through the tunnels and explored the ground..tasted the mulch to see if it was edible. She decided it was. This weekend is shaping up to be gorgeous too, so we'll probably get out and plant some flowers and do other yard work around the house.

On another note, here is my latest crocheted blanket. I finally finished it and absolutely love it! The pattern is so easy and really fun to do. I've started on an adult- sized throw blanket for my next project. I'm totally hooked...haha ..get it...crochet..hooked...ah, i crack myself up. Anyway, here's a picture of the ripple baby blanket. Erin, if you like it I'll save it for you...or if you want a different color scheme, I'm up for suggestions.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Your nose is running...better catch it!

LOL- I should put this picture up on the front door to deter intruders. "Enter at your own risk!" Hannah in mid hacking cough and Sadie with a raw, runny nose. Not too pretty...but that's how we roll. Poor kids. They're starting to feel better, though.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Feel sorry for me....

Things have not been fun around here this week. Not fun at all. Hannah and Sadie both have a nasty virus...horrible congestion, fevers, sore throats, and a wicked cough. I took them to the doc on Wednesday...thinking it might have been the flu. But it's yet another virus. I blame the germy kids in Hannah's class. Not that these kids are particulary more germy than the rest of the rugrat population, but having Hannah in a group setting a couple days a week has definately introduced a lot of sickness to our home. I could see the good side of all this....being exposed to these viruses now may prevent them from getting too sick when they start school. But I don't feel like seeing the glass half full right now. Chad and I are tired and spread thin. Hannah is finally starting to feel fever, but still coughing and definately whiney as heck. Poor Sadie is still miserable with a clogged nose. I feel so bad for her...there's not much I can decongestion or cough meds are really appropriate for her age. Well, I'm sure my girls will start feeling better soon...and things will get back to normal. blah blah blah. I'll write more when I'm done moping around in my self pity. :)
ps- Donna- Thanks so much for the belated birthday card. It made me cry. ...but not because it was belated! :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend Review

I had a great weekend with my family. Saturday, we decorated Easter eggs....I haven't done it in years..but it's such a fun tradition from my own childhood...I was excited for Hannah to decorate her own. Erin and I would decorate the eggs with my Mom, then we'd spend HOURS hiding them around the house for each other to find. It was so much fun...but we'd always manage to forget about at least one egg....until a couple weeks later when we'd start to smell it from somewhere under the couch! Hannah had a blast doing her Easter egg hunt.

I also got an awesome spa treatment on was my very thoughtful birthday gift from Chad. Thanks babe! Nice to get out of the house and be pampered for a few hours!
Then, yesterday we ventured to the National Zoo. We realized that morning that it was Cherry Blossom Festival and that it would be a mad house in DC, but we'd already committed and promised Hannah. When we got there, all 4 of the zoo's parking lots were full ....and we drove around for nearly an hour just looking for a parking space. Then Hannah (who drank an entire cup of orange juice on the drive) starting yelling "I have to pee pee!!!!" We circled our way back to the entrance of the zoo, Hannah and I jumped out, and Chad and Sadie continued to hunt for parking. Eventually, he found a spot ...nearly a mile away! The zoo was packed...ridiculously crowded..and honestly I really wasn't impressed with the zoo. They didn't have a lot of the animals they were supposed to have. But Hannah did get to see the elephants, panda bear, hippos, and the lion. Both of the girls had fun...and the weather was gorgeous! We took our lunch with us, and had a little picnic on the grass...that was nice...Sadie was glad to be free of the stroller for a while.
It was a lot of walking for a 3 year time I'll bring my double stroller.
...And here's the King of the Foreeeeest!...I think he was asleep..?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy Birthday to Moi!

Well, I'm 28 today. It's very strange. Birthdays change once you have birthday is just not a big deal to me anymore. Maybe it's because Hannah's was only 4 days ago, and I'm pretty birthday'd out right now. I mean, I'm not complaining...I had a very nice day!! Played outside with the girls this afternoon when the sun finally came out...then Chad took us out to eat Mexican for dinner...and surprised me with an enormous 4 layer chocolate cake! It's one of those humongous cakes from Costco...I've ALWAYS wanted one, but never actually wanted to pay 10 bucks for it...I guess because at Costco we usually spend too much anyway...and buying a 10$ cake just seemed ridiculous to me. Oh- and he brought me my favorite flowers....Orange Gerber Daisies. :) Daisies and chocolate cake...he sure does know me well. I don't really feel any older...I was telling my Dad that I feel older, physically...but mentally, I still feel about 19 or 20.
I love this picture of Sadie...I had the window open...and she was loving the breeze. The girls were sweet today...Hannah wished me a Happy Birthday about 3 times each hour....She decided how many candles went on my cake...4. And she proudly presented me with my birthday card that she decorated herself. She was in a goofy mood today and made Sadie laugh a lot. I'm loving the ages that both of them are at right now. They are both such little explorers. Sadie is about to take off walking any time now, and is amazed by everything! And Hannah is getting so creative and developing this sense of humor that I never thought a 3 year old could have. Her teacher at school had a funny story for me on Thursday when got there to pick Hannah up. Hannah had made a snowman out of Playdough, then she took her thumb and squished him down very slowly. She said "Look Ms. Cindy- I'm MELTING, I'm MELTING!!" Cindy said she and the other teacher just cracked up. lol
Here's my cake!