Sunday, May 29, 2011

Zoo Day

I think whoever coined the phrase "Getting there is half the adventure" probably had my family in mind. Going anywhere is usually a production....I have come to accept this. There is the lengthy preparation before we leave the house (showers, potty, clothes, breakfast, packing of ALL the crap we need, etc...). Then, once in the car, there are at least 2 return trips to the house for items we forgot to grab. Finally when the entire house is packed into the car, we pull off....and the bickering between the girls starts. Then they want snacks, water, different movies to watch on their dvd player. They drop a book or toy in the back seat & can NOT live without it, so I find myself contorted in my seat trying to retrieve something that I can't reach.
So by the time we arrived at the zoo, we'd already spent an hour in the car to Vienna, 40 minutes on the Orange train to Metro Center, and 15 minutes on the Red train ......and I felt like I'd accomplished a feat just getting there! Hannah LOVED the train rides, but Sadie was a bit scared. She sat completely still in her stroller, like she was afraid that if she moved she'd fall off the train car.
Once in the zoo, we bought Hannah a map so she could be our guide (a task she took very seriously). She made a short list of the most important animals to see: Giant Panda, Turtles, & the Petting Zoo.

We were able to see a handful of animals, but most were sleeping inside because it was the middle of the day. We walked all the way to the back end of the zoo, only to discover that the petting area was closed. However, there was a lone cow who stood against the fence so the kids could rub her. ....The cleanest and luckiest cow in the world.

The girls also enjoyed playing in the "rain"....these little mist sprinklers that were meant to cool you off, not soak you. Still, my girls were drenched when we left the zoo. They had a blast!! Chad and I made it home, put the girls to bed and rented a movie....but we both passed out before the previews were over :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Flowers & Fevers

Summer is around the bend, and I am looking forward to positive changes for our family. The girls are enjoying the beautiful weather we've been having this week. We've been heading to the park almost everyday. The Clark County park has an enormous sandbox that I can't seem to keep Sadie out of....and I'm sure the interior of the van will have a thin coating of gritty sand until mid-August.
Poor Hannah woke up this morning with a fever & sore throat....I'm thinking either a sinus infection or strep, which she gets on a regular basis (on account of her monster-sized tonsils) & I hear it's been making it's rounds in her school. My girl doesn't "do" sick very well....but I think she secretly enjoys our "sick kid routine" :) I pull out the sleeper sofa in the playroom & put on a movie, and she gets to pile up pillows and stuffed animals around her. Best of all?...Sadie is not allowed to get on the pull-out bed with her because Mommy is worried about germs. Also, she gets to eat ramen noodles for the bed....

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Big Changes

Time to write about what has been going on with us over the past couple of weeks.
Chad lost his job 2 weeks ago, and has been searching & interviewing for various new positions. Things seemed to come to a screeching halt when we found out he'd no longer be working at Woodmark. We felt completely derailed and helpless. We moped around for one painful week, took some time to figure out a game plan, and finally came to the resolution that EVERYTHING will be alright. Chad's interviewed with 2 companys already, both of which want to see him again this coming week. I have complete faith that hiring managers will be falling over each other trying to make him offers, and that he will end up having a choice between several jobs. He's just that awesome :)
In the meantime, I have taken a part-time job at Hallmark....and I start tomorrow!! I have been looking for a job with flexibility for some time now and I think this is going to work out great for us. It is something that I hope to maintain even after Chad begins his new job. I realize it's only a part-time gig at a mall, but I haven't worked in 5 1/2 I'm really excited.
Though these past couple of weeks have been difficult and stressful, I'm trying to take the advice of a friend who told me to enjoy all this extra time together. She we should take the kids to the D.C.zoo on a weekday(it's free)...or pack a lunch and head to the park together (also free). As much as that is easier said than done, we are trying to make the most of it!
Yesterday we went to a local fruit farm and picked 5 pounds of yummy strawberries.